Results announcement

Results announcement Due to the impact of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, the results of the contestants will be announced at the end of February. Please pay attention to the official website and Wechat official account. Please forgive me for the inconvenience. 返回

The6th HKIMF Masterclass

Masterclass Tuition Fee: RMB¥ 800 / HKD$ 900 / USD$ 115 Tel : 2117 1726 Eamil : KIMF Masterclasses details: 1. Each class lasts for 90 minutes 2. The upper limit is 4 students’ live performance, which will be commented by the teacher 3. The class time is about 20 minutes for each student…


「第六屆香港國際音樂節」大灣區 – 深圳延辦地點公佈 「第六屆香港國際音樂節」已經確定遷往深圳的「金海灘度假村」舉辦,本渡假村是中國首席地中海式別墅度假王國,期待大家參舆。 開幕典禮:1月31日 (盧森堡多功能廳) 各組賽事:2月1日至3日 全埸總冠軍:2月4日 閉幕典禮:2月5日 (盧森堡多功能廳) 離開營地:2月6日 地點:深圳市大鵬新區葵湧鎮溪湧灣金海灘度假村 住宿及交通查詢電話: 香港/國際 :(852)2117 1726 國內:(86)13917710231 The 6th Hong Kong International Music Festival  will be held in 31 Jan 2020 to 6 Feb 2020 at The Fountain Resort (ShenZhen). Opening Ceremony: 31 Jan 2020 (盧森堡多功能廳) Competition: 1 to 3 Feb 2020 The Overall Championship…

Regarding to the postponement of the 6th HKIMF 2019

Regarding to the postponement of the 6th HKIMF 2019 Regarding to the postponement of the 6th Hong Kong International Music Festival 2019, participants who have any inquiries such as arrangement on paid fees, or withdrawal from the competition, should send their inquiries by email to for the committee’s review by case basis. The closing…

The Final Round Competition Schedule

The Final Round Competition Schedule A. Points to note for Competition The “Final Round Competition Schedule” and “Order of Performance” will be announced on the Internet at by 18th Jan 2020. No individual notification will be issued. Upon announcement of the “Order of Appearance” is announced, finalists should note their “Competitor number” for reporting…

Final Round Competition Schedule

2020年2月1日賽場一(莫斯科廳) 09:15-12:30 A1 幼兒小提琴組 14:00-18:00 B7 中提琴小學組 Viola Primary Level B8 中提琴中學組 Viola Secondary Level B9 中提琴公開組 Viola Open QB4 少年民樂彈撥(二)組 Youth Chinese Plucked Strings (2) QB5 青年民樂彈撥(二)組 Adult Chinese Plucked Strings (2) QB6 成年民樂彈撥(二)組 Senior Chinese Plucked Strings (2) 賽場二(愛琴海廳) 09:15-12:30 LB7 美聲聲樂小學組 Vocal Primary Level LB8 美聲聲樂中學組 Vocal Secondary Level 14:00-18:00 LB9 美聲聲樂公開組…

In Memory to the Great Music Educator Prof. Alice Schoenfeld (1921-2019)

Alice Schoenfeld, internationally renowned violin virtuoso and educator, Co-founder of the Alice and Eleonore Schoenfeld International Strings Competition and Schoenfeld International Music Society, passed away on 25 May 2019 in Los Angeles at the age of 98. Alice and her cellist sister Eleonore Schoenfeld (1926-2008) were international music virtuosos and educators in the 20th Century…