About the Hong Kong International Music Festival

The Hong Kong International Music Festival (HKIMF) is a festival that brings together various kinds of music and cultural activities from different regions. During the festival, we host music camps, competitions, concerts, master classes, seminars, and study tours in Hong Kong, promoting cultural exchanges between musical talents and musicians from different backgrounds.


This festival was first held in 2013 with around 3,000 participants. In 2019, the number of participants rose to nearly 90,000 people from more than 150 nations such as Macao SAR, Taiwan Province, Mainland China, the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Switzerland, France, Portugal, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.


At the 10th HKIMF (2023), we were honoured to have the Department of Publicity Cultural and Sports Affairs of the Laison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Culture,Sports, and Tourism Bureau to join us as our supporters and advisors. This year, we will host the 11th Hong Kong International Music Festival 2024. On this important day, we aim to maintain Hong Kong’s position as an international music exchange platform and will continue to host the “2nd International Music Education Summit Forum”, inviting well-known musical institutions, cohesive scholars, and professors to join us in Hong Kong. In this forum, we will discuss how music can inspire and stimulate positive thinking through music education, and how it can positively shape children and youth’s identity such as improving self-confidence, moral behaviour, social integration, and learning ability.


The 11th HKIMF and the Forum will be held from the 15th to the 21st of August, 2024.We confidently believe that through another interactive research by experts from different countries,we will be able to provide important parameters and educational programmes to promote music education to inspire the mindsets of children and youth, leading them to contribute to peace and love for our world and building a global musical community of destiny together.


The music festival has been recognised and accepted by many international music colleges and educational institutions such as Schoenfeld International Music Society, Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory, Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Ocean University of China (Arts Department),Instituto Superiore di Studi Musicali Giacomo Puccini di Gallarate, University of North Dakota-Grand Forks, Vancouver Academy of Music, Texas Christain University, Western Michigan University, Lviv Conservatory, Catholic University of Portugal, Harbin Academy of Music, Nanjing Arts Institute Music College, Chugye University For The Arts, Sekolah Tinggi Internasional Konservatori Musik Indonesia (STIKMI), etc. Finally, the Hong Kong International Music Festival will continue to uphold the concept of music as a core to promote cultural exchange, acceptance,respect, and music recognition among music lovers. This year, we expect more than 4,000 experts,professors, and participants to join us, transforming Hong Kong into a city of music and adding a spark to our beloved city.