美國男中音査理士·克里斯為資深聲樂教育家,早年畢業於美國茱利亞音樂學院,其後赴意大利髓多位名師深造聲樂,六十年代起於美國多間大學任聲樂教授,曾在美國茱利亞音樂學院聲樂系任教16年(1986-2002) , 近年致力音樂教育。任教大師班及主持演說,擔任多個聲樂比賽的評委主席,發表多份聲樂評論。
克里斯曾為美國紐約大都會劌院評審地區試音遴選,也為該校指導青年藝術家課程。其門生在巴黎、莫斯科、漢堡、蘇黎世、法蘭克福、洛杉磯等地大型歌院演出擔任要角,多位學生更在國際知名聲樂大賽屢獲殊榮,包括俄國柴可夫斯基大賽、英國Cardiff Singer of the World等等。
克里斯近年遊走世界各地音樂節,評審多場聲樂比賽,曾在波蘭華沙Moniuszko 國際聲樂比賽任評判,也在克拉科夫音樂學院指導大師班。2015年,他在美國紐約Marcella Sembrich 國際聲樂大賽評委主席,並在紐約大都會劇院為Twoja Muza期刊撰寫樂評。同年9 月,他赴中國蘭州大學「國際聲樂大師藝術周」擔任評委主席。2016年夏,更與紐約皇后學院合作,為當地「大蘋果音樂節」(Big Apple Music Festival) 任聲樂總監及主講聲樂大師班。
查理士· 克里斯本年獲頒第五屆香港國際音樂節(2018) 「音樂教育終身成就獎」°
Charles Kellis is a vocal consultant, voice teacher and writer of reviews and articles on the romance of the voice. He has been a Professor of Music at the University of Iowa,Southern Illinois University, and for 16 years the voice faculty of the Juilliard School. He has served as an adjudicator for the Metropolitan Opera Regional Auditions and as a teacher for the Metropolitan Lindemann Young Artists Program. His students have appeared in leading roles in most major opera houses of the world including: the Metropolitan Opera, La Scala, Berlin, Covent Garden, Paris, Moscow, Hamburg, Barcelona, Zurich, Bayreuth Festival, Frankfurt, Glyndeborne, Zurich, Viennna, Aix en Provence Festival, Orange Festival, New York City Opera, Los Angeles, and Chicago Lyric. He is a graduate of the Juilliard School in New York, and Accademia di Santa Cecilia in Rome, Italy, with further studies as a Fullbright Scholar at LAccademia Chigiana in Siena and LAccademia Benedetto Marcello in Venice, Italy. His teachers include: Mariano Stabile, Sergio Nazor and Luigi Ricci and he participated in classes with Giovanni Martinelli and Tito Schipa. Performed in Opera, Concert and Oratorio in Rome, Vienna, Athens, and Salzburg and on RAI Radio Televisione ltaliana, Oestereichishe Rundfunk in Vienna and the National Radio of Athens, Greece. His students have also been winners in many prestigious international competitions including: Tchaikovsky in Moscow, Cardiff Singer of the World, Metropolitan Opera, Caruso, Maria Callas, Marion Anderson, Puccini Foundation, Sullivan Award, Joyce Dutka, Arleen Auger, Bel Canto Vocal, the Munich International, Opera Index, Moniuszko International in Warsaw and the Pavarotti Mozart Prize. As former director of the Candlewood Choral Society in Connecticut, he conducted the Hartford Symphony and the Hudson Valley Philharmonic; Master classes and seminars in Europe and USA, including at the San Juan, Puerto Ricco, Pablo Casals Festival with Krzysztof Penderecki; former music critic Waterbury, Ct.; Panelist-speaker at Paul Robeson’s 100th birthday celebration at Rutgers University in New Jersey. He has been a judge for the Moniuszko International Vocal Competition in Warsaw and has conducted master classes in Radom and at the Krakow Academy of Music in Poland. He was also, most recently, chairman of the jury for the Marcella Sembrich International Vocal Competition at the Kosciuszko Foundation in New York City and a reviewer at the Metropolitan Opera for the periodical “Twoja Muza”. September 2015 brought him to China as Chairman of the Jury for the Lanzhou University and the Northernwest University International Vocal Competition including a series of Master Classes. The summer of 2016 he was the Director of the Vocal Program for the “New York Big Apple Music Festival” in cooperation with Queens College in New York City.
1959 年,俞麗拿18歲時憑全球首演獨奏《梁祝小提琴協奏曲》一舉成名,此灌錄唱片發行量逾二百萬張,乃中國器樂唱片之冠,更令她獲頒中國首屆金唱片。翌年她為中國歷史最悠久的弦樂組合「上海女子弦樂四重奏」任第一小提琴手,帶領樂隊於德國柏林舉行的第二屆「舒曼國際弦樂四重奏比賽」中獲獎。
Born in 1940 in Ningbo, China, Yu Lina is a violin virtuoso in the country who premiered the famous’Butterfly Lovers’Violin concerto at the age of 18. She is also the founder of the Yu Lina Violin Foundation since 1993 for nurturing gifted young violinists. Yu is currently violin professor for the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. In 1959 at Shanghai, she made her debut as violinist at the nationwide celebration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of China, premiered Butterfly Lovers’Violin Concerto and hence gained great success. The album of Butterfly Lovers’Violin Concerto presented by Yu Lina is estimated to have sold over 2 million copies worldwide. She led the earliest Chinese string quartet as the first violinist to win a prize at Berlin’s 2nd Schumann International Competition in 1960. Then she appears frequently in recitals and as soloist with orchestras in the United States, Canada, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Australia, and China. Lina Yu joined the Shanghai Conservatory of Music in 1962 as the chairwoman of the Violin and Viola Department and professor of violin till now. Many of her students are top prize winners at the Paganini, Menuhin, Tchaikovsky, Wieniawski, Sendai, Lipizer, and Sibelius International Violin Competitions.
薛澄潛,小提琴演奏家丶教育家丶作曲家。出生於1930 年,河南盧氏縣人。中國音樂家協會會員、黑龍江省政協第六屆委員會委員,中國音協小提琴學會顧問,哈爾濱師範大學小提琴客座教授,美國青年音樂家交響樂團和勳菲爾德國際弦樂比賽特邀作曲家。
薛澄潛先生在新中國成立之前即參加了中國人民解放軍第三野戰軍文工團,從事文化宣傳工作。1953 年薛澄潛調入南京軍區前線歌舞團,並師從上海音樂學院著名小提琴教授陳又新丶上海交響樂團李牧真先生學習小提琴。1958 年他響應國家號召,為支援邊疆建設開發北大荒,攜家赴黑龍江烏蘇里江畔軍墾戍邊, 1962 年調入哈爾濱歌劇院任交響樂團副首席兼小提琴教師及作曲。作為-名有著非凡經歷的專業音樂工作者,半個多世紀以來,薛澄潛歷盡艱辛、筆耕不輟丶成績斐然,持之以恆地致力於小提琴教育事業,培養出百餘名優秀弟子先後考入中央音樂學院、上海音樂學院丶美國南加州大學桑頓音樂學院、英國皇家音樂學院等十多所國內外知名音樂學府攻讀碩、博士學位,許多學生畢業後考入海內外著名音樂學院與高校任教,或在交響樂團任。
在音樂創作方面,薛澄潛堅持音樂創作民族化方向,創造性地將民族音樂曲調元素和民族樂器的演奏技巧融入小提琴樂曲創作之中,旋律優美,流暢清新,為中國音樂走向世界作出了重要的貢獻。自上世紀60 年代初至今,先後創作丶改編小提琴獨奏曲、協奏曲30餘首,以國際視野和歷史的眼光在小提琴樂曲``中國化"的道路上屢開先河,作品獲得了國內外音樂專家的廣泛讚譽,多次被列為國際小提琴比賽參賽曲目並獲獎。其作的小提琴曲在中央電台及歐美50 多家知名音樂電台、電視台廣為播放,深受國內外藝術家和廣大觀眾的喜愛。2017年6月,薛澄潛舉了個人小提琴作品音樂會,引起社會巨大反響。
黃懿倫早年在港隨周書紳教授及杜朗夫人習琴,其後獲英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會獎學金前往英國倫敦深造。于此期間,黃女士獲獎無數。她是同時考獲畢業文憑、演奏文憑丶及學院鋼琴學生最高的榮譽—麥法倫金牌的少數學生之一。此外,她亦被選為倫敦四大音樂學院中最傑出的優異生,獲得偉烈特紀念獎,並在英國各地巡迴演出。黃女士曾在義大利維奧國際鋼琴大賡獲得銀牌獎,亦獲得著名的有斯獎學金及班捷文· 達爾獎。其後,她前往巴黎隨柯爾托和拉威爾的學生貝利慕特進修,之後再進入紐約曼克頓音樂學院隨波蘭鋼琴家波森深造,並考獲硏究文憑。
黃教授現為香港演藝學院任駐院藝術家及鍵盤系高級講師,並任深圳藝術學院客席教授、武漢音樂學院及天津音樂學院名譽教授。黃教授在1993年被頒發成為英國倫敦皇家音樂學院院士, 2000年被列入世界名人錄音樂家大全及世界名人錄傑出女性,更被列選為21 世紀世界2000名傑出音樂家及音樂教育家之一。