香港国际音乐节2024 音乐比赛 成绩公布
Thank you all for your support of the Hong Kong International Music Festival, and congratulations to all the winners.
The results are being announced one after another.
Due to the competition in some categories is ongoing and the staff needs to verify that all information is accurate, the results of some categories cannot be announced in time. We kindly ask for the understanding of all participants, The committee will announce the results as soon as possible.
全场总冠军争夺战 / Championship Battle for the Overall Winner
Congratulations to the individuals or groups who won first place in each category! Please follow the instructions below for the Overall Championship Battle.
西洋乐器个人组 和 民族乐器个人组
比赛日期:8 月 19 日
报到地点:狮子会蒋翠琼中学大礼堂(赛场 2)
演奏时限:限演奏 3 分钟
Western Musical Instruments & Ethnic Musical Instruments Individual Division
Date of the Battle:August 19
Registration Location:Lions Clubs International Tseung Chui King College Auditorium(Hall 2)
Registration Time:10:00
Performance time limit:in 3 minutes
比赛日期:8 月 19 日
报到地点:狮子会蒋翠琼中学大礼堂(赛场 2)
演奏时限:限演奏 3 分钟
Vocal Individual Division & Group Division
Date of the Battle:August 19
Registration Location:Lions Clubs International Tseung Chui King College Auditorium(Hall 2)
Registration Time:14:00
Performance time limit:in 3 minutes
- 每位获得金奖 、银奖、铜奖的参赛者选手,自8月17日起 上午10:00-22:30前往「赛场8(葵芳社区会堂)」凭参赛证领取奖牌及证书。
- 各组别获得1,2,3,4,5,6名的人士,须参加 8 月 20 日上午10:00 在「赛埸2(狮子会中学~大礼堂)」举办的颁奖典礼、并领取奖杯,获奖金的1,2,3名需要在线上申领。详程如下:
获 1,2,3 名需早上 9:30 到赛埸2报到,获4,5,6 名需早上 10:45 报到( 无法参加颁奖典礼而需要代领的人士,必须复印获奖人士身份证副本作为证明,否则视作放弃处理 )。
# 获全场总冠军的人士,不论任何原因而未能出席 8 月20 日晚的闭幕礼演出和领奖,会被取消全场总冠军资格并不颁发任何奖项予该人士。各组获第一名的选手,必须在以下时间到「狮子会赛场2(大礼堂)」对面小课室面试,通过面试人士可获邀参加8月20日晚上的闭幕典礼中演出,请各位争取尽早报到面试。
Each contestant who has won a gold, silver, or bronze medal should collect their trophy and certificate with their participation ticket at “Competition Venue 8 (Kwai Fong Community Hall)” from 10:00 to 22:30 on August 17.
Winners 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th place in each category must attend the award ceremony held at 10:00 a.m. on August 20 at “Site 2 (Lions Club Middle School ~ Auditorium)”. To receive the trophy, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize winners must apply for it ONLINE(Click Here). The detailed procedure is as follows:
Winners 1, 2, and 3 must report to Competition Field 2 at 9:30 a.m., and winners 4, 5, and 6 must report at 10:45 a.m. (Those who cannot attend the award ceremony and need to collect it on their behalf must make a copy of the winner’s ID card as proof; otherwise, it will be deemed abandoned).
# If the person who wins the overall championship fails to attend the closing ceremony performance and receives the award on the evening of August 20 for any reason, they will be disqualified from being the overall champion, and no prize will be awarded to that person.
The first-place contestant in each group must go to the small classroom opposite “Lions Club Arena 2 (Auditorium)” for an interview during the following times. Those who pass the interview will be invited to perform at the closing ceremony on the evening of August 20. Please try your best and apply for the interview as soon as possible.
Interview time:
August 17: 11:00, 17:30
August 18: 11:00, 17:30
August 19: 14:00
