第十一届香港国际音乐节2024 全场总冠争夺战获奖名单

第十一届香港国际音乐节2024 全场总冠争夺战获奖名单The 11th Hong Kong International Music Festival 2024 Winners List of the Championship Competition 恭喜一下优胜者获得全场总冠军,必须出席20日颁奖典礼及演出。 缺席者,将被取消获奖资格,奖金亦不予颁发。 Congratulations to the following winners for winning the overall championship. Please attend the awards ceremony and performance on August 20. Those absent will be disqualified from winning, and the prize will not be awarded. Hyunbin KangB8003 西洋乐器个人组 全场总冠军叶纪君…