有關「第六屆香港國際音樂節2019」延期舉辦之通知 有關「第六屆香港國際音樂節2019」延期舉辦之通知,如有任何對活動延期之查詢或對已繳交款項的安排和申請退出比賽,申請人必須以電郵方式發送至hkimf@hkmusic.hk供組委會備案,並就個別申請作出考慮,截止申請日期至2019年8月31日止。如未於限期前發出申請,則視作如期出席延期活動和總決賽。 Regarding to the postponement of the 6th Hong Kong International Music Festival 2019, participants who have any inquiries such as arrangement on paid fees, or withdrawal from the competition, should send their inquiries by email to hkimf@hkmusic.hk for the committee’s review by case basis. The closing date is 31 August 2019. Participants who…